Chris Raymond

Vice President and GM, Autonomous Systems
Boeing Global Services

Chris Raymond, Boeing’s VP/GM of Autonomous Systems, Inducted Into 2018 Wash100 for Leadership in Expanding Autonomous Technology

Executive Mosaic is pleased to announce that Chris Raymond, vice president and general manager of Autonomous Systems for Boeing Defense, Space and Security, has been inducted into the 2018 Wash100 — Executive Mosaic’s annual selection of influential leaders in the government contracting arena — for leadership in growing Boeing’s autonomous systems division. This marks his second time receiving the award.

Boeing is a top-five government contractor, with $5.1 billion in unclassified prime contracts for FY2016, an estimated two to three percent increase from the year prior. Last summer, the company restructured its defense, space and security segment into four units: autonomous systems; space and missile systems; strike, surveillance and mobility; and vertical lift. The move included hiring Raymond to head the autonomous systems division, which oversees the Insitu and Liquid Robotics subsidiaries, electronic and information systems and line of Echo Voyager maritime vehicles.

“From our perspective, this [the restructuring] was not only a defense move but something more broadly we see in the company as autonomy continues to enter our lives,” Raymond told Washington Technology. He describes Boeing’s autonomous systems portfolio as a consortium of airborne and maritime platforms, remote sensing products, among other electronic systems. The concept of autonomy, he suggests, goes beyond just the platform itself:

“In other cases there are considerable investments in software and the enablement of technologies for the safe introduction of autonomous systems,” he said. “We’re working as an integrated team across the corporation,” referring to the company’s commercial and defense sects of business.

Raymond was a key player in the October-announced buyout of Aurora Flight Services, in a bid to expand Boeing’s autonomous vehicle portfolio. The Manassas, Va.-based company drew headlines in 2016 when it was awarded an $89 million contract from the Defense Department for continued research and development of its experimental X-Plane, a vertical take-off landing craft that could achieve a two-fold increase in speed over helicopters.

Prior to his current role, Raymond was a vice president in the company’s Air Force Systems group, and held leadership positions in engineering, supply chain management and operations. He serves on the board for the Center for New American Security, as well as the National Defense Industrial Association; and chairs the Boeing Defense and Security Senior Advisory Group. Raymond is a graduate of the Defense Acquisition University.

Executive Mosaic congratulates Chris Raymond and the Boeing team in receiving this award.