Lt. Gen. Robert Skinner, director of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and a 2022 Wash100 Award winner, said the agency is looking to implement technologies that can support a large-scale network in partnership with the commercial sector.
Skinner presented his vision for the agency at AFCEA's TechNet Cyber forum using a list of 14 “Wouldn't it be cool if” questions to drive a conversation with potential industry partners, DISA said Thursday.
Topics on the list include cloud deployment, network transportation, risk management, battlespace visualization and DevSecOps.
"DevSecOps is pretty cool if you have a modern application and leverage a modern language and modern technology," Skinner said.
"What about the legacy applications? How do we truly bring DevSecOps to a legacy environment?"
The agency encourages companies and academic institutions to propose technical ideas through the DISAWERX collaboration platform or apply to demonstrate technology via its weekly Technical Exchange Meeting event.