About Wash100

Paul Dillahay, NCI President amp; CEO, Named to 2020 Wash100 for His Driven Leadership to Complete AI, IT Initiatives and Secure Major Contracts

Executive Mosaic is honored to present Paul Dillahay, president and CEO of NCI Information Systems, as an inductee into the 2020 edition of the Wash100 Award for focusing on improving...

Stu Shea, Chairman, President amp; CEO of Peraton, Named to 2020 Wash100 for Leading Work with NASA, Advancing Space Capabilities, Supporting U.S. Defense Programs

Executive Mosaic is honored to present Stu Shea, chairman, president and CEO of Peraton, as an inductee into the 2020 edition of the Wash100 Award for his leadership and role...

Potomac Officers Club Hosts CIO Forum 2020; Wash100 Award Winner Juliane Gallina Gives Opening Keynote Address

On Thursday, Jan. 23rd, Potomac Officers Club (POC) hosted the first annual CIO Forum 2020 to discuss the daunting task chief information officers (CIO) have to stay ahead of the...

DoD CIO Dana Deasy Named to 2020 Wash100 for Driving Pentagon’s IT Modernization Through Cloud, AI amp; 5G Initiatives

Executive Mosaic is honored to introduce Dana Deasy, chief information officer of the Department of Defense, as an inductee into the 2020 edition of the Wash100 for prioritizing information technology...

Chris Brady, President of General Dynamics Mission Systems, Named to 2020 Wash100 for Driving Innovation in Enterprise Data, Military and Defense Technology

Executive Mosaic is thrilled to present Chris Brady, president of General Dynamics Mission Systems, as an inductee into the 2020 edition of the Wash100 Award for his work to advance...

Al Whitmore, President of BAE’s US Intell amp; Security Business, Named to 2020 Wash100 for Pushing Innovative Technology, Leading Mission Support and Driving Organizational Growth

Executive Mosaic is honored to present Al Whitmore, president of the intelligence and security sector at BAE Systems' U.S. subsidiary, as an inductee into the 2020 edition of the Wash100...

Jim Garrettson, CEO of Executive Mosaic, Presents Dawne Hickton, COO amp; President of ATN for Jacobs, Her First Wash100 Award

Jim Garrettson, founder and CEO of Executive Mosaic, presented Dawne Hickton, chief operating officer and president of Jacobs’ Aerospace, Technology and Nuclear (ATN) business, with her first Wash100 Award on...

Jim Garrettson, CEO of Executive Mosaic, Presents Dawne Hickton, COO amp; President of ATN for Jacobs, Her First Wash100 Award

Jim Garrettson, founder and CEO of Executive Mosaic, presented Dawne Hickton, chief operating officer and president of Jacobs’ Aerospace, Technology and Nuclear (ATN) business, with her first Wash100 Award on...

Gen. David Goldfein, Air Force Chief of Staff, Named to 2020 Wash100 for Advancing USAF’s Digital, Technological Capabilities

Executive Mosaic is honored to announce Gen. David Goldfein, chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force, as an inductee into the 2020 edition of the Wash100 Award for his...

Tina Dolph, President amp; CEO of Siemens Government Technologies, Named to 2020 Wash100 for Commitment to Revenue Growth and Company Acquisitions

Executive Mosaic is honored to present Tina Dolph, president and CEO of Siemens Government Technologies, as an inductee into the 2020 edition of the Wash100 Award for her continued dedication...

Kevin Phillips, ManTech President amp; CEO, Named to 2020 Wash100 for Leading Company Growth, Improving Federal Policy and Innovation

Executive Mosaic is thrilled to announce Kevin Phillips, president and CEO of ManTech International, as an inductee into the 2020 edition of the Wash100 Award for leading the company’s growth...

Jim Garrettson, CEO of Executive Mosaic, Presents Haywood Talcove, CEO, Government, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, His First Wash100 Award

Jim Garrettson, founder and CEO of Executive Mosaic, presented Haywood Talcove, CEO of Government for LexisNexis Risk Solutions, with his first Wash100 Award on Wednesday. Executive Mosaic recognizes Talcove for...

Jim Garrettson, CEO of Executive Mosaic, Presents Haywood Talcove, CEO, Government, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, His First Wash100 Award

Jim Garrettson, founder and CEO of Executive Mosaic, presented Haywood Talcove, CEO of Government for LexisNexis Risk Solutions, with his first Wash100 Award on Wednesday. Executive Mosaic recognizes Talcove for...

Northrop CEO Kathy Warden Named to 2020 Wash100 for Achieving Strong Company Growth, Expanding Contract Portfolio

Executive Mosaic is honored to present Northrop Grumman CEO Kathy Warden as an inductee into the 2020 edition of the Wash100 Award for driving the company’s growth, securing major contracts...

Jim Garrettson, CEO of Executive Mosaic, Presents Steve Harris, Dell Technologies’ SVP amp; GM, Fifth Consecutive Wash100 Award

Jim Garrettson, founder and CEO of Executive Mosaic, presented Steve Harris, senior vice president and general manager of Dell Technologies, his fifth consecutive Wash100 Award. Executive Mosaic recognizes Harris for...