Army Unveils Digital Transformation Strategy; CIO Raj Iyer Quoted

The U.S. Army has issued a new strategy that seeks to advance the use of innovative technologies to help establish conditions for a digital Army to maintain overmatch across land, sea, space, air and cyberspace domains.

The Army Digital Transformation Strategy sets the vision for how the service can achieve Waypoint 2028 with the aid of digital modernization and has three objectives: modernization and readiness, reform and people and partnerships, the Army said Wednesday. Waypoint 2028 is the Army’s holistic approach to fight and win in multi-domain operations.

Each objective comes with several lines of effort. For the modernization and readiness aspect, lines of effort include accelerating cloud-native adoption by unifying the Army’s enterprise and tactical clouds, leveraging data as a strategic asset to achieve interoperability and data for decision-making and elevating the military branch’s cybersecurity posture by defining zero-trust principles for both information technology and operational technology assets.

“Going digital is a mindset, it’s culture change,” said Raj Iyer, chief information officer of the Army and a 2021 Wash100 Award winner. “It’s about how we can fundamentally change how we operate as an Army through transformative digital technologies, empowering our workforce, and re-engineering our rigid institutional processes to be more agile,” added Iyer.

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