Kevin Fahey on DoD’s New Software Development, Acquisition Policy

Kevin Fahey, assistant secretary of defense for acquisition, said a new policy that seeks to guide services’ software development and acquisition efforts was finalized and signed by Hon. Ellen Lord, undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment and a 2020 Wash100 Award winner, Inside Defense reported Friday.

“Just this week, Ms. Lord signed out the final version of the software acquisition [policy], so now 5000.01, .02, we have all the pathways, we’re on our way on the instructions,” Fahey said Friday at a National Defense Industrial Association conference.

The updated DOD Directive 5000.01 and DOD instruction 5000.02, “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System” provide program managers with “acquisition pathways” that they can use to procure various types of capabilities, according to the report.

Hon. Ellen Lord will be featured as the keynote speaker during Potomac Officers Club’s upcoming 5G Summit on October 27th. Don’t miss out on this must see event! Register here for the 5G Summit.

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