Marillyn Hewson, Lockheed CEO, Named to 2020 Wash100 for Advancing Defense Business, Securing Contracts, Growing Revenue

Executive Mosaic is honored to present Marillyn Hewson, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Lockheed Martin, as an inductee into the 2020 Wash100 Award for driving federal contract awards within the company’s defense sector, which exponentially grew its revenue.  

This marks Hewson’s sixth-consecutive Wash100 Award. Hewson secured her previous Wash100 Award in 2019 for her efforts advancing U.S. technological superiority as well as diversity and education in the technology sector. She has continued her advancements throughout 2019 and into 2020.

Most notably, Hewson helped the company secure a six-year, $932.8 million contract modification from the Missile Defense Agency to manufacture ballistic missile interceptors for the U.S. government and Saudi Arabia to fulfill a foreign military sales case requirement in March 2020

The company’s missiles and fire control unit will provide Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) systems and one-shot devices under fixed-price incentive line items on a previously awarded contract. The Department of Defense (DoD) noted the modification brings the contract’s total value from $5.37 billion to $6.30 billion.

The U.S. will provide $327.4 million in fiscal 2020 procurement funds and Saudi will allocate $605.3 million in FMS funds for the award. DoD expects work to conclude by April 1, 2026. THAAD is designed to work with other ballistic missile defense platforms and uses a hit-to-kill technology to counter short and medium ballistic missile threats.

In addition to Hewson’s leadership within the federal defense agencies, she has also secured valuable contracts with the U.S. service branches. In March 2020, Lockheed Martin received a potential $789.6 million contract from the U.S. Navy to provide sustainment and maintenance support for the combat management system of the service’s littoral combat ships.

The sole-source contract for the Littoral Combat Ship Component Based Total Ship System – 21st Century program has a base amount worth $98.6 million and covers the development, test, integration and delivery of future combat system baseline updates for in-service ships, ship installation and checkout support, training and logistics product development.

Lockheed’s rotary and mission systems business will also provide equipment procurement support, developmental and operational test, lifecycle supportability engineering, field technical support for combat platforms, fleet support for fielded baselines and hardware engineering services under the LCS COMBATSS-21 program.

Through Hewson’s dedication to secure major contracts, the company dramatically increased its revenue throughout the year. Hewson said the company will continue the development of various hypersonic weapons through military contracts worth approximately $2.5 billion combined, Lockheed Martin announced in April 2019.

Hewson said at the company’s earnings call Lockheed has been investing in hypersonics development for years to deliver capabilities as the U.S. military faces threats posed by Russia and China.

“It’s clearly a need for us to not only address hypersonics but also counter-hypersonics as well,” Hewson added.

Hewson noted that Lockheed secured a contract from the U.S. Navy in February to work on the service branch’s conventional prompt global strike concept in support of the hypersonic boost-glide weapon development program.

“This order follows three previous awards the corporation has received in hypersonic weapons: the tactical boost-glide contract; the hypersonic conservational strike, or HACKSAWprogram; and the air-launched rapid response, or Arrow, program,” she added.

Executive Mosaic congratulates Lockheed Martin and Marillyn Hewson for her 2020 Wash100 Award. Hewson’s continued dedication to develop the company’s defense business, secure valuable contract awards, and grow the company’s revenue proves that she is a notable figure in the GovCon sector.

About The Wash100

This year represents our sixth annual Wash100 Award selection. The Wash100 is the premier group of private and public sector leaders selected by Executive Mosaic’s organizational and editorial leadership as the most influential leaders in the GovCon sector. These leaders demonstrate skills in leadership, innovation, achievement, and vision.

Visit the Wash100 site to learn about the other 99 winners of the 2020 Wash100 Award. On the site, you can submit your 10 votes for the GovCon executives of consequence that you believe will have the most significant impact in 2020.

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