The National Defense University (NDU) Foundation announced the appointment of Tina Dolph, president and CEO of Siemens Government Technologies (SGT) and a three-time Wash100 Award, to the foundation’s strategic board along with three other new board members to drive the NDU Foundation’s growth strategy to broaden and diversify its operational capabilities.
"These Board appointments further our strategic efforts to partner with business, industry, and other organizations to ensure the National Defense University remains the international community’s premier institution for national security, public diplomacy, and global security education,” said RADM Michael Manazir USN (Ret.), VP of Boeing Global Services and NDU Foundation Chairman.
The new board members will work to reinforce the NDU Foundation’s commitment to identify new and strategic public-private partnerships that align leadership and innovative capabilities to affect national defense and security, public policy, and industry to achieve domestic and global peace and stability.
In addition to Dolph’s appointment, Pat Tamburrino Jr., a vice president with LMI has been named to the NDU Foundation board along with Swami Iyer, president of Aerospace Systems for Virgin Galactic Holdings and Anduril Industries’ Senior Director of Space Strategy Sarah Mineiro.
“These appointees have demonstrated the ability to innovate new ideas and solutions in critically relevant domains of energy, space, cyber, nuclear capabilities, and national defense and security," RADM Michael Manazir added.